Shifting Cyber Security Landscape in the retail world

By olive 3 years ago
website company Singapore

New advancements in technology are moving the retail industry in precedented ways. As the industry improves, a cybercriminal would try to find new ways to steal data from companies. The shifting of the cybersecurity landscape in singapore would mean new technologies and security measures are needed.

How do they pull off the attacks? Web attackers would find ways to compromise a website by capturing customer credit card payment as customers are paying for their product.

To ensure data is safe, you should take steps to improve or defend from cyberattacks. There are different ways to prevent attacks.


Embrace new technologies

As there are new technologies that would make it harder for hackers to access the POS terminals as low-hanging fruit. There are consideration for EMV and mobile wallets or other payment method as opposed to PAN

There are not only cards

Attackers don’t only target cards but also reward programs as that are personal information as customers sign up for reward they would use their financial info and this would be quite dangerous as hackers would attempt to access this info. There are also time attackers would target reward points as it can be leveraged.

In the cyberworld, not everyone is safe from cybercrime no matter if you are a business or personal so ensuring that your customers data are kept safe from cybercriminals because they would be one step ahead of new technologies.

Written By: Danish 

  Cyber Security
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